Sep 2022 - Mar 2024 (Open-Source Initiative)
Description: The DGC is a living directory of personal digital gardens and digital gardeners who are willing to trade their time to help others create their own. The DGC also maintains open-source technologies in the personal digital gardening arena.
Links: Product HuntGitHub
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Quartz (Open-Source Static-Site Generator)
Links: GitHub
Technologies: ReactJS, NextJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Supabase, Storybook, Chakra UI, HTML, CSS
Technologies: ReactJS, NextJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Supabase, Deno, Storybook, Chakra UI, HTML, CSS
Jan 2022 - Jun 2023 (On May 29th, everyone was furloughed and then laid off in June.)
Description: A software development company that specialized in creating custom software solutions for businesses.
Technologies: ReactJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Storybook, NestJS, Django, Python, HTML, CSS
Served as a full-stack developer on the Internal Tooling Team. We developed and maintained frontend and backend boilerplates for the developers at Bitwise Technology Services. For reference, Bitwise Technology Services was originally called Shift3.
Backend Contributions:
Jun 2021 - Oct 2021 (and a couple of commits in Nov 2022)
Description: Gamify your productivity tools and unlock multiplayer for personal development.
Links: Product HuntGitHub
Technologies: ReactJS, NextJS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Supabase, TailwindCSS, HTML, CSS
Developed the inner workings of the Dailies (Daily Habits) feature and played an active part in designing how daillies should be represented in the Supabase backend, which used PostgreSQL
Created the initial version of the Edit Daillies feature using an Ant Design table, which showed the user's list of habits (offered local CRUD functionality)
Often referenced the 3 normal forms when we were discussing database design; Provided development guidance for the above two features
Contributed to the development of the Parties feature
Mar 2021 - Dec 2021
Description: I worked for a large healthcare company while I was an employee at Infosys.
Technologies: SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, C#, WCF Services, Excel
Technologies: SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Excel
Dec 2020 - Mar 2021
Description: A software development training program that prepares you for a career in software development, in addition to having you interview with their client companies (ex. Infosys).
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Web API, MongoDB, ADO.NET Entity Framework, Angular, JavaScript, Testing, DevOps, Docker, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, BDD, TDD, Microsoft Azure, .NET, Continuous Integration, Microservices, TypeScript, Jasmine, Karma, REST, Kubernetes
Links: GitHub
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Web API, SQL Server, ADO.NET Entity Framework, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET MVC, YAML, GitHub Actions, Docker, Docker Hub, Okta, xUnit
May 2020 - Aug 2020
Description: A save-for-later and digital media aggregator app.
Technologies: Dart, Flutter, JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS, Bulma CSS, Firebase/Firestore, Python, Flask
Revised the design of Korey (Team Korey's project from below) and rebranded it
Used the Newspaper3k python library to develop a basic Flask api that would return the content of articles that were passed to it
Developed the mobile and web versions from scratch. Started with the mobile version and was working on the web version. A screenshot of the project is available at the bottom of my website.
Mar 2018 - Dec 2018 (7 months total; temporarily left the project from Jul to Oct)
Description: An effort to develop a contract-labor app that would help exotic dancers and club owners work together in a efficient and completely legal way. Learn More...
Technologies: React Native, Expo, iOS, Android, ReactJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Initially led the development of the React Native frontend; Moved to a support role when I came back to the project in October.
Spearheaded the design for both the web and mobile versions based on the given specfications.
Constructed wireframes and high-fidelity mockups
Jun 2018 - Aug 2018 (occurred while I temporarily left the above project)
Description: A mobile app that allows you to save online articles and other digital content for later and consume them right within the app. For reference, I started this endeavor because I discovered a need while working on a independent user experience case study. Learn More...
Technologies: React Native, Realm, iOS, Android, Flask, Python
Spearheaded the app's design and co-developed the React-Native frontend
Played an active role in discussions that pertained to the backend
Main speaker for both the pitch to the judges and the main stage pitch (audience of at least 100 peopple). We came in second place.
Apr 2016 - Jun 2016
Description: A web-based administration system that would allow doctors and trainers to track the exercise data of their Leukemia patients
Technologies: Spring, MongoDB, AngularJS, HTML, CSS
Participated in architectural discussions that determined what technologies would be used for the backend and front-end
Played an active role in backend development discussions and supported backend development efforts that were being spearheaded by another team member:
Provided direction for development efforts that led to the creation of a message queue based on the client's requirements
Developed a python script that was used to remotely update the Spring-based server on the client's physical server, which I previously set up
Wrote documentation that described our architecture and why specific technologies were chosen
Jan 2016 - Jun 2016
Description: A proof of concept Android application that would allow users to monitor business operations, like fleet performance.
Technologies: Android, Java, Spring, REST, MPAndroidChart
Feb 2016 - Mar 2016
Description: An extensible board game server.
Links: GitHub
Technologies: Java, JavaFX
Collaborated with 6 students in order to design and build an extensible board game server, which included a networking component and the following built-in games: Chess, Checkers, Tic-Tac-Toe
Actively participated in architectural discussions that led the game-related classes to ultimately use a Model-View-Controller architecture, in addition to participating in discussions related to how the networking component of the project would interface with the game architecture
Proposed the creation of a standard way to construct grid-based game boards, which was implemented and used by each game
Designed and implemented the custom game board implementation (BoardGameGridPane) and the base game gui class (GameGUI); Contributed to the development of the Chess game plugin
Participated in five presentations over the course of the project that explained how we went about the project
Wrote documentation for the custom game board implementation and the base Model/View/Controller classes
Oct 2014 - Feb 2015
Description: A mobile app for the iPhone that allows users to combine short video clips with music.
Technologies: Objective-C, iOS, PBJVision, Facebook Pop
Laid down the foundations for the recording and preview screens based on the given design specifications
Analyzed the documentation and code of the outsourced music and video clip mixing engine in order to integrate its functionality into the recording screen
Reverse engineered the iOS camera engine, PBJVision, in order to record individual clips so that they could be paired with music and be merged with the aforementioned engine
Developed the progress bar and processing music animations using Facebook's animation framework, Pop
Developed a custom radial value picker control, which is used to control the song and device’s microphone audio levels
Aug 2011 - Apr 2014
Description: A mobile bus schedule that improves the experience of Fresno Area Express bus riders. Learn More...
Technologies: Objective-C, iOS, Java, Android
Spearheaded the design and the development of the user interface and user experience
Designed and developed the Favorites feature, which allows users to quickly access their most used routes
Designed and implemented an algorithm that differentiates between AM and PM times for the Bus Schedule feature (iOS version)
Designed and created a class that manages the database and encapsulates all of its operations (iOS version)
Helped fine-tune and debug the functionality for every feature (i.e. Display Routes, Information, Bus Schedule, Favorites, Access to Google Maps)
Researched different technologies, libraries, and frameworks and implemented them into the project